Are you feeling like it’s time for your parents to take the next step in their lives?
Convincing your parents to move to a retirement home can be a difficult and upsetting conversation. But, if you’re armed with the right knowledge, it might not be as hard as you think.
Check out our top tips to convince your parents to move to a retirement home.
1. Wait for the Right Time
You can’t just announce to your parents that you’d like them to move to a retirement home. You need to wait for an appropriate occasion. After a major medical event, for example, can be a good time to talk about moving to a retirement home.
Try and drop breadcrumbs about the possibility of moving to a retirement home before sitting down to have the big conversation, so that it won’t end up being out of left field when you do start discussing the topic.
2. Health Issues
If your parents have been struggling with physical health issues, you should bring it up when you’re discussing the possibility of moving to a retirement home with them.
With retirement homes, your parents will have round-the-clock healthcare. and support, which is incredibly important as we age. This will prevent them from falling in their homes and being unable to call for help, for example.
3. Talk About the Finances
At some point, it may become financially helpful for your parents to move in a home. This is especially true if they’re having neurological problems that cause them to be careless with their funds.
But, it can also be true if they’re having escalating health problems and require in-home care. Hiring in-person aides can be expensive, depending on your insurance and supports.
And, if your parents own their own property, selling it can be a huge financial burden to have lifted off of their back since property values are rising across Canada. Then, they could use that money for their other interests.
4. Know the Options
When you bring up the conversation of retirement communities, you should make sure that you actually know what retirement homes are available in your area and what they offer.
Some may have different features that could appeal specifically to your parents. This could include different activation programs like exercise programs, charity work, outings, and live performance options.
Go through the benefits of retirement homes generally first, and then highlight specific options in your vicinity. Look into possibilities that your parents would be specifically interested in.
For example, your parents may be interested in living near a particular neighbourhood or may want a home that offers lots of different activities for them to enjoy.
Help Your Parents Move to a Retirement Home Today
Hopefully, by using these tips, your parents will feel comfortable making the move to a retirement home.
Are you searching for the right retirement home for your parents? Take a look at Central Place Retirement Community in Owen Sound.
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